The Keeper of Time

Climate Change

There Is Nothing To Fear In Nature

Mark 13:8 There will be earthquakes in places, there will be famines, beginning of birth-pangs these things are.

The attempts to share sacred knowledge of the Holy Event that is unfolding under our feet is so people understand the naturalness of the Event, because the climate changes will increase both in quantity and intensity, and a very tragic day will come when the ‘elite’ that control this world, using science as a medium to get their message across, will use the Earth’s pregnancy to strike terror in peoples hearts.

Climate change is a natural process caused by the growth of the Core of the Earth. The Event involves the Birth of the Aeon (inner-Core) through the Earth’s Yoni in the Antarctic, it will be preceded by strong birth-pangs, and certainly there will be great upheaval, but without the upheaval there would be no Purification, no Renewal, no *progressive* evolution.  The Core of the Earth will be ejected through the Weddell Sea in the Antarctic and the Earth will move closer to the Sun.

Everyone should know that we are on the verge of being presented with a choice that affects you at the utmost level of your soul, and everyone should be in possession of all the facts before making such a decision.  Cest nest pas un pipe? Without a shadow of a doubt the truth about the coming Day of Purification when the Core (an unborn Moon) is born/ejected from the Antarctic Weddell Sea cannot serve any wrong purpose. To withhold it is a brevatio manus Domini.

Within the body of the earth, light objects float upward towards the surface and heavy objects sink downward towards the Core, thus the Core is continually increasing in size and weight.  As the Core increases in size and weight it slows down the rotational speed of the earth.  As a simple example, if your children were on a rotating carousel, spinning in the counter-clockwise direction, and you decided to slow the carousel down, without giving the matter any thought, you would apply your weight in the clockwise direction, the opposite direction of the carousel’s rotation and the carousel would slow down, if you continued, the motion of the carousel would stop.  In the same way the Core’s weight is applied in the opposite direction of the rotating planet, and the increasing weight of the core gradually slows the rotation of the earth.

The slowing of the Earth’s rotation is due to the increasing weight of the Core.  It remains to be discovered that the Earth Heart (Core) rotates in the clockwise direction, opposite to the asthenosphere and the lithosphere.  What will take place when the weight of the core exceeds the weight of the earth is a Holy Event in which everything in Nature will evolve to higher life in unison.  The Holy Event explains the true origin of the Moon.

Between now and the Birth of the Aeon, the weather will become more unpredictable, there will be more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, because the Earth is in the throes of labor.  Anyone who departs the Earth, out of fear of the upheaval, is departing from his or her own evolution into the ‘New Man’. For those who remain on the Earth, not departing from Her body and wholeheartedly embraces Her Birthing, yes, of course, we will die and but we will be reborn, and evolve to higher life *physically and spiritually*. Dying is as natural as breathing, without death there is no rebirth in the one, true Heaven: The Morning Star-Venus.

Global Warming

The Earth’s internal heat is not inert, it is intensifying, and it is the intensifying heat inside the Earth that is the cause of global warming.  Not man, but the increasing heat in the Earth’s interior is responsible for climate change.  And the same heat is melting the Antarctic ice sheet.  The cradle of the changes in the world climate is the Weddell Sea in West Antarctica.

Climate Change

Governments intentionally frighten people about climate change to encourage them to leave the Earth, knowing that climate change hearlds evolutionary completion.  A man who perpetuates the climate change LIE does not represent the welfare of the people. Where is the priest or politician who will enlighten the people?  That man represents the people.  Other men are liars and fear-mongers. 

The Core

Climate change is a natural process caused by the growth of the Core of the Earth.  The force that builds mountains and moves continents is growing and causing global warming and all the accompanying ‘anomalies’ in our environment.


Within the body of the earth, light objects float upward towards the surface and heavy objects sink downward towards the Core, thus the Core is continually increasing in size and weight.  As the Core increases in size and weight it slows down the rotational speed of the earth.  As a simple example, if your children were on a rotating carousel, spinning in the counter-clockwise direction, and you decided to slow the carousel down, without giving the matter any thought, you would apply your weight in the clockwise direction, the opposite direction of the carousel’s rotation and the carousel would slow down, if you continued, the motion of the carousel would stop.  In the same way the Core’s weight is applied in the opposite direction of the rotating planet, and the increasing weight of the core gradually slows the rotation of the earth.

The slowing of the Earth’s rotation is due to the increasing weight of the Core.  It remains to be discovered that the Earth Heart (Core) rotates in the clockwise direction, opposite to the asthenosphere and the lithosphere.  What will take place when the weight of the core exceeds the weight of the earth is a Holy Event in which everything in Nature will evolve to higher life in unison.  The Holy Event explains the true origin of the Moon.

Between now and the Birth of the Aeon, the weather will become more unpredictable, there will be more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, because the Earth is in the throes of labor.  Anyone who departs the Earth, out of fear of the upheaval, is departing from his or her own evolution into the ‘New Man’. For those who remain on the Earth, not departing from Her body and wholeheartedly embraces Her Birthing, yes, of course, we will die and but we will be reborn, and evolve to higher life physically and spiritually. Dying is as natural as breathing, without death there is no rebirth in the one true Heaven: The Morning Star.

All people should know that the widening of the ozone hole in the Spring months of the Antarctic are caused by the Earth’s birth pangs.  Once the truth becomes general knowledge the Day of Hatching will be a Day of Great Celebration, not a day of fear.  Those who do not stay in real-time to celebrate the hatching will be deprived of the next level of evolution; rather, they will be coerced into space-time.

The ones who ‘control’ this orbit were here before us. Long before our Earth occupied this orbit their planet (which is now Venus) did so. When their planet underwent a ‘shift’ to a higher orbit, the dark ones, also thought of as, the ancient ones, transgressed God’s Laws and remained behind in space-time.

Choose Wisely

There are those who always have and always will use fear tactics to lure people into space-time, and keep them in space-time by tempting them with prolonged life, even ‘immortality’ but there is no immortality in space-time, ‘et in Arcadia ego’. The human body is vulnerable to death even in space-time.  There are those who will be loyal to God and remain on Earth to celebrate the Birth, and there are those who will watch the Birth from the dark world that stalks our reality.

Choose Nature. Choose GOD.

We have long been dissuaded from disclosing the facts and the psychology used to dissuade us, fear tactics, is the same as the psychology that will be used to persuade mankind that the Earth and everything on Her is going to be annihilated. Their other argument, that mankind is too naive to grasp the truth, is a blatant falsehood. God longs for mankind to know the whole of revealed doctrine, only then can He be certain that there will be anyone around to say, with understanding and feeling, “Annuit Coeptus”. Not annuit coeptus to a new world order that is in reality an ancient space-time world order dressed up as the Harlot of Babylon, but Annuit Coeptus to God.

The words ‘Annuit Coeptus’ that appear on American money are frequently wrongly interpreted as meaning “He has favoured our undertakings”, it means no such thing.  Annuit is the word from which “annual” is derived, and means ‘yearly’ coeptus (coepi/coepio) means beginning, (from which the word ‘inception’ is derived). The meaning of the term is: annual beginning, in the sense that the day of one’s birth is one’s annual (yearly) beginning, and it is spoken to convey the message: Happy Birthday.”

The “Universal” Catholic Church believes it is withholding the information because mankind is not wise enough to understand the truth, “and anyway, we have Purgatory (Arcadia, Seventh Heaven, Space-time etc.)” But we know that Purgatory is the Antechamber of Hell.  Have you visited Vatican City lately? Have you seen how the Church flaunts symbols of the truth everywhere? What is her purpose if not to taunt? Shouldn’t she be more modest since she has no intention of revealing the truth?  And then there are the so-called secret societies, the very ones who exploit the truth for wealth and power.  They have been dressing it up as religion and revealing it since time began (so to speak), but only to a select few, all in the service of something entirely opposite to God.

Billionaire Bunkers

Do you see how they are preparing for the so-called ‘end of the world’?

They are going to wish you bon voyage and then go down into their bunkers and wait.  But their luxury bunkers can’t give them a reward to which they are not entitled.

Stop lying about climate change!

You do not need a bunker to inherit the reward.

All you have to do is STAY on Earth: The Best Is Yet To Come.

Luke 17:33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

All the lies about climate change must stop

No one has the right to hide the Truth from the Earth’s children.  Mankind must know the Truth.  They must be informed that the Earth will transit closer to the Sun.  They must be informed that the Earth has made several transits before and the immortal soul always survives the journey.  A transit is always accompanied by biological advancements.  No Homo sapiens wants to backslide to Neanderthal, equally no Homo sapiens would choose to avoid advancing into Integrum Hominem.


It is not to be feared and it is NOT a threat to human existence.

Climate Change...

Is NECESSARY for human progression. It is a joyous occasion when a planet gives birth. You are on the cusp of a new and wonderful step in human progression.


You can only evolve in unison with everything in Nature.


To complete your Pattern of Evolution, all else in Nature will go forward, and you will be left behind. The Earth is your home planet, love Her, trust Her, and above all else STAY with Her!

Stay on Earth in Real-Time

Real-time was established by God in the beginning of creation. As He created all things He created real-time, read Genesis, God created all things in six progressive days and He rested on the seventh day, thus the Bible opens by revealing clearly that God worked and rested within the seven day week.

When they begin to announce the ejection of the Core as a fearful Event that will annihilate all things on Earth, let me assure you, our Earth has no intention of destroying us.  Earth does not fly into the Sun bearing Her children. She flies closer to the Sun to become the next Morning Star.

This time mankind must anticipate the Event at the Weddell Sea with joy in his heart.  This time there must be no fear and NO evacuation.  Those who stay and “hold fast to what they have” will inherit light and Heaven, those who abandon the crust of this Earth will inherit darkness and the ‘other’ place. There is a hell and it is the ‘abyss of outer darkness’. When you know the Event is on the horizon, celebrate and pray: Annuit Coeptus Deus!