Two Pathways
We’re moving at a fixed velocity through space and we’re moving on a determined path with our Earth. There are two pathways: one light and one dark, one natural and one in opposition to Nature, one leading to progression and higher life, and the other to retrograde evolution. The name of the path of Light is: “stay put” or, “hold on tight” (cling fast to those things which you have and I shall give unto you the Morning Star just as my Father gave it to me). The name of the path that leads to Outer Darkness is: “apostasy” or, “abandon ship.”
But most of mankind is not privy to the whole of revealed doctrine, they are oblivious of the energy/life/time producing Core and as such they are in no position to make a choice, rather, the choice will be made for them by corrupt beings who encourage apostasy! Consequently many people will embrace outer darkness and some may eventually be biologically adapted to live in darkness instead of Light.
There are many recorded instances of visits by Angels to our Earth, as well as visits by more sinister beings, called at times, demonic, at others, fallen angels. The Angels and the demons have, at one time, all been people just like us. The time-frame in which a being lives, defines what the being is. Only through an understanding of Time and how Time affects evolutionary development can one come to understand the existence of both angelic and demonic people.
Soon mankind will learn of another time-frame and it will be presented as being indescribably wonderful but regardless of how wonderful it may at first appear to be, its end is darkest misery. To experience another time-frame is not allowed to us. We are protected from the inevitable, terrible, consequences of living in another time-frame by our covenant with God. Through Abraham, and David, and Jesus, and many others, we are covenanted “contracted” to remain in the “Genesis” time-frame (genetic time-frame) that was especially established for us by God when He created us.
Genesis 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die”.